United Fuel Discount Offer
You can get some relief from these crazy petrol prices, plus earn money for MFC without doing a thing!
United Petroleum have come on board with a fantastic offer for the club.
Every time you fill up at a United (or affiliated) Service Station, you’ll get 2c per litre discount – plus Mulgrave gets 2c per litre in cash.
And it couldn’t be simpler:
1. Just head to this link and sign up for a MFC – United fuel card. It literally takes 30 seconds.
2. You can get a plastic card mailed to you, or download a digital card to your phone
3. Fill up at any United and scan the card when you pay. Done!
We’d love everybody to sign up for one of these cards. It’s free and takes no effort, and the more people who do it, the more the club earns. It’s free money.
United Service Stations are everywhere - and there's one only a couple of minutes from the footy club at 893 Wellington Road (in the service lane).